PREPARATION and PRACTICE are the keys to a successful interview. 准备工作包括了解你自己和你的技能,以及了解职位和组织/雇主.
面试是你找工作/实习最重要的部分之一. 这通常是雇主第一次有机会和你交谈. Likewise, 这是你向雇主证明你是这份工作/实习的合适人选的机会. 雇主想了解你,你的经验和资格. You will want to learn about the organization, 职位空缺和工作/实习的职责. 准备和练习是成功面试的关键. 准备工作包括了解你自己和你的技能,以及了解职位和组织/雇主.
Regardless of the format (phone/video or in-person, one-on-one or panel), most interviews take place in this common sequence:
Information: |
这包括自我介绍和几分钟的闲聊来确定谈话的基调 to follow. 通常包括对组织和职位的简要概述. |
Qualifications: |
关于你的职位资格的问题和答案. |
Conclusions: |
Explanation of the next steps in the selection process. |
Interview Tips
Interview Attire
Dress for success infographic
Tips to Ensure a Positive Impression:
- Be polished and professional: clean and wrinkle-free.
- 穿合适的衣服,不要太大或太紧.
- Wear a matching two-piece suit in black, navy or dark grey.
- Wear dark polished close-toed shoes.
- 确保你的头发干净,整洁,不受威尼斯人在线的影响.
- Limit exposure of tattoos and piercings.
- Bring a portfolio or briefcase for your documents.
- Avoid large amounts of cologne/perfume.
- Avoid wearing too many accessories and jewelry.
- Avoid complex and wild patterns.
- Avoid plunging necklines and bare shoulders.
- Be sure to take care of your personal hygiene.
- Clean and trim your nails, look for chipped paint.
When in doubt opt for the more conservative and formal side. It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed.
Links for additional information:
威尼斯人在线创建了一个职业衣橱,帮助学生免费获得职业服装. Learn more at
Phone Interviews
Why do employers conduct telephone interviews?
许多雇主会通过电话进行第一轮面试,以确定他们希望与哪些申请人面对面. 电话面试可能持续15-60分钟,通常对候选人和雇主来说都不那么昂贵和耗时.
When does a telephone interview occur?
- 你在建立人际关系网,雇主会立即开始筛选过程,因为你看起来很有趣.
- 你被打电话是因为你申请了一个职位或实习.
What are the guidelines to follow during a phone interview?
- 当你处于一个难以交谈的情况下,会不会有一个意想不到的电话出现, let the call go to voicemail. 然后你可以在一个安静私密的地方回电话.
- 如果电话不期而至,花点时间镇定一下. 当你去一个安静的房间,或者关掉背景音乐时,问一下打电话的人. Take a deep breath and return to the phone with a smile. Remember, this is a REAL interview.
How do you prepare for a telephone interview?
The unexpected interview:
- While you are conducting your job or internship search, be prepared for the “unexpected” telephone interview. A call could come at any time.
- Check the outgoing message on your voicemail. Is it professional? 这是你希望雇主听到的问候语吗? Remember, first impressions are important.
- When you receive a call, 你可以询问面试官面试的类型和时长(行为面试), technical or both) they expect to conduct. 询问另一个时间和日期的约会是可以接受的.
- 重要的是——只要有可能,保持你的简历和日程安排很容易查看. 有记事本和笔在谈话中做笔记吗. If accessible, 你可能需要雇主发给你的或收到的信件的副本.
The scheduled interview:
- If your telephone interview is scheduled in advance, be at your phone early, turn off call waiting, if possible, 并准备好在比原计划更长的时间内工作.g.,电话可能安排在5:00-5:30,但实际时间可能在5:10-5:40)
- 尽可能使用座机而不是手机,以确保良好的连接,并消除面试过程中掉线的情况!
- 拿出你的简历,以及你对面试官的任何笔记或问题.
- 那些参加技术面试的人应该考虑戴上耳机. 一些技术类雇主会要求你在面试过程中查看你的电子邮件链接,以完成一个编程挑战,因为面试官和你共享这个屏幕.
What to expect in the telephone interview?
Tips to prepare for Virtual Interviews
对于潜在雇主来说,视频面试是传统的面对面面试的一种方便和经济的选择. However, 在准备视频面试时,学生和应届毕业生需要了解和考虑一些特定的格式元素.
- Understand the technology and be comfortable with it在你适应这个过程之前,不要报名参加视频面试. 了解音频和视频控制能做什么和不能做什么. 弄清楚你的形象是什么样的——怎样才能看起来最好——以及面试开始后该去哪里看. 熟练使用技术会让你成为一个“在线专业人士”.”
- Consider the image and the interview environment—Dress professionally as a video interview is an interview. 确保面试区的背景与你想给招聘人员留下的形象一致. Remove or silence all distractions, such as cell phone ringers, e-mail alerts on the computer, music, pets, roommates, and more.
- Test all settings and connections beforehand-在面试之前,确保所有的设置都是优化的,所有的连接都是正常的,以避免面试过程中出现任何问题.
- Be prepared for a system hiccup—And even though you’re thoroughly prepared, 是否准备好备用计划,以防在视频面试中出现技术故障. 例如,准备好你的手机,以防网络无法连接或掉线. 以这样的方式做好准备,并在遇到意想不到的问题时顺利过渡到另一种方法,可以给雇主留下深刻的印象.
Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.