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PREPARATION and PRACTICE are the keys to a successful interview. 准备工作包括了解你自己和你的技能,以及了解职位和组织/雇主.

面试是你找工作/实习最重要的部分之一. 这通常是雇主第一次有机会和你交谈. Likewise, 这是你向雇主证明你是这份工作/实习的合适人选的机会. 雇主想了解你,你的经验和资格. You will want to learn about the organization, 职位空缺和工作/实习的职责. 准备和练习是成功面试的关键. 准备工作包括了解你自己和你的技能,以及了解职位和组织/雇主.

Regardless of the format (phone/video or in-person, one-on-one or panel), most interviews take place in this common sequence:

Information: 这包括自我介绍和几分钟的闲聊来确定谈话的基调
to follow. 通常包括对组织和职位的简要概述.
Qualifications: 关于你的职位资格的问题和答案.
Conclusions: Explanation of the next steps in the selection process.

Interview Tips


Interview Attire

Dress for success infographic

Tips to Ensure a Positive Impression:

When in doubt opt for the more conservative and formal side. It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed.

Links for additional information:

威尼斯人在线创建了一个职业衣橱,帮助学生免费获得职业服装. Learn more at

Phone Interviews

Why do employers conduct telephone interviews?

许多雇主会通过电话进行第一轮面试,以确定他们希望与哪些申请人面对面.   电话面试可能持续15-60分钟,通常对候选人和雇主来说都不那么昂贵和耗时.

When does a telephone interview occur?


What are the guidelines to follow during a phone interview?

 How do you prepare for a telephone interview?

The unexpected interview:

The scheduled interview:

What to expect in the telephone interview? 

Conducting a Successful Phone Interview PDF

Tips to prepare for Virtual Interviews

对于潜在雇主来说,视频面试是传统的面对面面试的一种方便和经济的选择. However, 在准备视频面试时,学生和应届毕业生需要了解和考虑一些特定的格式元素.


Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.